Environmental Services - Capability Statement

Green Tape Solutions provides environmental services to tackle simple and complex environmental issues in a quick and cost-effective manner. Our main objective is to help achieving your project goals. 

Ecological Planning and Assessments

Environmental Impact Assessments

Environmental Offsets

  • Offset site assessment, monitoring and reporting
  • Offset management plans (e.g. Koala management plan in accordance with the QLD Environmental Offset Policy)
  • Property maps of assessable vegetation for development applications and offset planning

Wildlife Monitoring and Management

  • Fauna catcher / fauna spotting activities and reporting
  • Wildlife management and monitoring
  • Fauna habitat trapping and mapping
  • Nest box supply, installation and monitoring
  • Habitat management plans and rehabilitation/restoration
  • Threatened fauna species assessments
  • Species management plans
  • Significant species management plans
  • Pest animal management plans

Our Experience

Pre-clearance ecological surveys in Qld


The purpose of the pre-clearance surveys is to identify ecological features such as threatened fauna and flora species listed under State and Commonwealth legislation. Surveys are undertaken in accordance with requirements of the relevant environmental legislation and permits issued by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP).


The surveys were designed in general accordance with the BioCondition – A Condition Assessment Framework for Terrestrial Biodiversity in Queensland – Assessment Manual – Version 2.1 (Biocondition Manual) (Eyre et al., 2011) and the Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland (Neldner et al. 2012) to ensure compliance with relevant state and federal legislation.


Offset Management Survey


Green Tape Solutions undertakes flora surveys across Queensland to identify suitable offset areas in order to compensate the loss of vegetation. Field surveys are done to identify Bio-Condition benchmarks and provide Ecological Equivalence Assessments. As a result of the field work, our team of experts compares the potential offset site's ecological values with the ecological benchmark and a vegetation condition score is calculated to determine if the property contains suitable offset for the threatened species. During the field assessments, weed species surveys and type A plants species are also recorded.


Fauna surveys are conducted primarily to target for EVNT listed wildlife using a combination of harp traps, pitfalls, Elliot traps, fixed night cameras, Anabat/songmeter recordings, netting guidance fences and active searches. Additional searches for mobile species such as birds and macropods are also conducted on an opportunistic basis or in accordance with relevant Commonwealth or State guidelines.


Such fauna, flora and ecological assessments are undertaken on a regular basis for mining industry as well as for residential developments to facilitate compliance with legislative requirement such as EA or condition of approval.