Bat Surveys

Bat surveys and identification
Bat surveys and identification

Microbats use echolocation in a similar way to sonar. They make calls as they fly and listen to the returning echoes to build up a sonic map of their surroundings. These calls are usually pitched at a frequency too high for adult humans to hear naturally.


By emitting a series of ultrasounds, bats can avoid objects and catch their insect prey. 

Our Capabilities

  • Microbat trapping surveys
  • Harp Trap Surveys
  • Anabat call identification (using Analook)
  • Songmeter call identification (using Kaleiodscope)
  • Bat call analysis reports as per Australian Standard

Bat survey using harp trap
Bat survey using harp trap

Bat species echolocate within specific frequency ranges. This frequency suits their environment and prey types. Consequently, it is easy to identify many bats species simply by listening to their calls with bat detectors.


Green Tape Solutions use a range of detectors, from anabats and songmeters to more recent technology - Echo Touch Meters. We undertake general or more specific targeted bat surveys and provide the full scope of call analyses.

Bat Call Analysis

Chalinolobus gouldii call
Chalinolobus gouldii call









Green Tape Solutions views, analyses, and compare your bat calls in high resolution in their full information content of time, frequency, and amplitude. 

We guarantee the delivery of our report within two weeks of receiving the data!