Fauna Spotting and Fauna Catching

Green Tape Solutions staff are experienced in the identification, capture and relocation of wildlife. We are trained in handling difficult and dangerous animals (venomous snakes) and as wildlife rescuers and carers, we have appropriate qualification to treat injured wildlife.


Green Tape Solutions holds:

  • Rehabilitation Permit from the Queensland Department of Environmental and Heritage Protection (DEHP)
  • Animal ethics approvals
  • Scientific permits
  • Construction white cards
  • First aid and remote first aid certificates

The service we provide includes the preparation of pre-clearance and post-clearance fauna spotter reports. Our reports illustrate compliance with the relevant federal, state and/or Council's condition of approval.


Green Tape Solutions has a strong partnership with MELOMYS - Wildlife Habitat and Monitoring Equipment (www.melomys.net.au) who provides high-end technical and fauna survey equipment. This partnership facilitate access to new technologies and enables cheaper, more efficient project delivery.

Our Capabilities

  • Fauna capture and relocation
  • Pre-clearing and post-clearing fauna surveys and reporting including species identification and habitat assessment for breeding places such as hollow logs, termites mounds and hollow-bearing tree
  • Specialist in threatened fauna species surveys (e.g. Koala) and habitat assessment
  • Development and implementation of Species Management Plan as per the Nature Conservation Act 2002 and associated regulation
  • Injured fauna management
  • Habitat enhancement including provision and installation of nesting boxes, bat boxes and relocation of in-situ hollow logs.

Our Experience

Green Tape Solutions is based in Brisbane and works across Australia.


Our recent work included an initial pre-clearance inspection to locate and flag fauna habitat features along the coal seam gas pipeline project. Prior to the clearing activities, our fauna spotter identified ecological values for the site that would potentially support wildlife. In coordination with the client/field manager, our spotter developed strategies to safely remove the vegetation and supervised the clearing contractor to ensure appropriate measures were taken into consideration during clearing


Our staff always work under Green Tape Solutions' Environmental, Health and Safety systems and procedures.